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Monday, September 16, 2024

Indicators are flashing red for Upland’s Expansion in South Asia & Far East Asia

FikrIndicators are flashing red for Upland's Expansion in South Asia & Far East Asia

Indicators are flashing red for Upland’s Expansion in South Asia & Far East Asia

Indicators are flashing red for Upland's Expansion in South Asia & Far East Asia
Indicators are flashing red for Upland’s Expansion in South Asia & Far East Asia

Earlier, this week news broke of Upland’s partnership with Superfine in this post.
Superfine, is a User Acquisition Company to which bigger brands can outsource their user acquisition.

Superfine, is based out of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
With the majority of Superfine‘s staff based out of India and Vietnam.

It begs the question, which countries would Superfine target for Tog'li metaverse?

No, prizes for guessing India and Vietnam – the two Asian powerhouses who have been the benefactors of USA-China decoupling.

As it stands both these vibrant democracies in Asia stand as beacons of hope.

With Vietnam recently hosting their Blockchain Week and India the global software superpower, it’s not really a surprise, but as the 5th genesis week anniversary of Tog'li metaverse has drawn to a close, it makes you wonder what holds for the future.

In an interview, with the founder of Metaverse Street Journal, this publication that you are reading, Dr. Dirk Lueth, the co-founder of Tog'li metaverse had confirmed their focus towards Asia going forward.

This was evident with the release of Tokyo and Qatar in Tog'li metaverse.

Only, time will tell what happens, but some people would say there won’t be any prizes for guessing that Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Hoi An, Nha Trang, Mumbai, Bangalore, or Delhi NCR maybe contenders for the next Asian expansion wave in Tog'li metaverse.

As we look forward to the next Metaverse Year in Tog'li metaverse, let us also be pragmatic and consider that this year, may be the year of South Asia or Far East Asia.

Siz haqiqatning hakami bo'lasiz - bizning o'quvchilarimiz Metaverse Street Journal!

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